June 19, 2023 Release


We are excited to announce the 23R1.5 release. The new capabilities delivered include:


Weekly Data

Compass Patient is now offering weekly data. This will allow you to set up queries to receive data on a weekly basis. Weekly data can be used to:

  • Create triggers and next best action suggestions to influence HCP behavior
  • Inform marketing campaigns and accurately promote to the right audience
  • Track launch performance and evaluate competitor market share

Weekly data jobs will be run on Sundays at 2PM EST, and will include 13 weeks of data up until the previous day.

Create a Weekly Job

To set up a Compass Patient weekly job, select “Weekly” in the Schedule step.


Next, select a time frame for your first delivery. This allows you to select a longer time frame for your first delivery to get a full dataset. All subsequent weekly jobs will provide the last 13 weeks of data, up until the previous day. For example, data delivered on June 19, 2023 will include data from March 20, 2023 - June 18, 2023.

For jobs that will be used primarily in supporting triggers and next best action - it is recommended that users start with a shorter and recent time period (e.g. last 13 weeks), to ensure recency of data.

For jobs that will be used primarily for reporting, dashboards, or ongoing analytics where the data set should be built for a longer historical time period, it is recommended that users select a longer time frame for first delivery.


Advanced Mode contains more advanced schedule settings, such as selecting a different time frame for identifying patients (e.g. look for patients from January 1st, 2017 up until the previous day and deliver their last 13 weeks of data). Note that for all weekly jobs, returned records will contain the last 13 weeks of data.

For more information on setting up weekly jobs, refer to the Schedule step.

Ingesting Weekly Data

Job information for weekly jobs can be retrieved via the Compass API or viewed in Job Manager. For more information on using weekly data, reach out to your Compass Product Expert contact.