Partner Data Shares

Data shares allow you to seamlessly share data with partners via the Portal.

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Partner Data Shares

Data shares allow you to seamlessly share data with partners via the Portal. Data shares are initiated from queries in Job Manager, then managed in the Data Shares tab. Partners are able to login to their own Partner Portal and view details of the data being shared with them.

Creating a Data Share

Data shares are initiated from a query via the Share action in Job Manager. Upon clicking Share, you will be prompted to complete the data share form.

Data share form

In the data share form, you will be prompted to provide the following information:

  • Consulting Partner - Drop-down list of available partners to select from for data shares. This list is managed by Veeva. Only one partner can be selected at a time.
  • Recipients - User(s) from the selected partner that you would like to share data with. You can locate users by typing in their first name, last name or email address. If a user already has an active data share for the selected Query ID, they will not be selectable. Recipients can be edited as needed; refer to Edit Recipients for more information.
  • License - License associated with the query being shared. This field is not editable.
  • Project Name - Free text field where you can provide a name for the project.
  • Project Description - Free text field where you can provide a description of the project
  • Project Expiration Date - Date when the project will expire, and data access should be removed from the shared partners. Project Expiration Date can be edited as needed; refer to Edit Expiration Date for more information.

Once you have provided the information, you will see a list of data share reminders that must be adhered to as part of the data share. Scroll down in the data share form to view the reminders, then click “Share” to share the data. You may also click “Cancel” to exit out of the form at any time.

Upon clicking “Share”, an email notification will be sent to the recipient(s) selected notifying them of the new data share. Recipients must accept the data share in order to view the data. Data shares can be managed via the Data Shares tab.

Managing Data Shares

The Data Shares tab allows you to manage data shares with partners.

Data shares

To navigate through the data shares, use the right and bottom scroll bars. You can sort on columns in the table by hovering over and clicking on the column headers.You can also adjust the width of columns by hovering over the column border and dragging the column to the desired width. In addition, you can filter on Active and Expired shares using the filters in the upper-right corner.

The data share table contains high-level information about your data shares. The following information is displayed in the data share table:

  • Query ID - Query ID for the query that was shared. Allows you to view a data share receipt containing additional details about the share.
  • Query Name - Query name for the query that was shared.
  • Project Name - Project name provided for the data share.
  • License - License associated with the query being shared.
  • Date Shared - Date the date share was initiated.
  • Shared By - User who shared the data, which can be viewed by hovering over the user icon.
  • Partner - Partner the data was shared with.
  • Shared With - User(s) who were selected as recipients for the data, which can be viewed by hovering over the user icons. Recipients can be edited by clicking the user icons.
  • Expiration - Expiration date for the data share. This date can be edited via the Edit Expiration Date action.
  • Status - Current status (pending, active, expired) for the share. See details of each status below:
    • Pending - Initial data share status. Data shares are in the pending status until at least one recipient has accepted the share.
    • Active - Data shares are in the active status when at least one recipient has accepted the share. While data shares are active, recipients are able to access the data from the selected delivery destination (SFTP or Download from Portal).
    • Expired - Data shares are in the expired status when the share reaches its expiration date. When data shares become expired, recipients are no longer able to access the data.

Data Share Receipt

The data share receipt contains detailed information about your data share, such as the project name, shared and expiration dates, recipient(s), and data share reminders. To view a data share receipt, click on the Query ID. This will open the receipt in a new window. You can close a data share receipt by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the window, or by clicking anywhere on the screen outside of the receipt.

Job receipt

Data Share Actions

Edit Expiration Date


To update the expiration date for a data share, click on the Edit Expiration Date action (located in the Expiration column) for any pending or active shares. You may choose to extend or shorten the expiration date. Upon selecting your desired date, click “Submit”.

Edit Recipients

Edit Recipients

To edit the recipients for a data share, click on the Shared With user icon (located in the Shared With column) for any pending or active shares. You may choose to remove participants from the data share.

Note If all participants are removed from a data share, the share becomes expired.



To cancel a data share, click on the X icon (located in the Status column) for any pending or active shares. You will be prompted to confirm you would like to end the data share before the expiration date. Click “Yes” to confirm. Upon cancellation, the data share becomes expired and recipients no longer have access to the data.